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Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) Online Practice Test
Prepare for the Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) exam with immediate feedback from the CBCS online practice test. The CBCS practice exam comes with three unique practice test versions. Each 100-question practice test offers an assessment of comprehension and mastery of billing and coding principles and provides explanations for items missed.
*Online materials can only be accessed on your computer or tablet.
Assessed Concepts
- Regulatory compliance
- Claims processing
- Front-end duties
- Payment adjudication
- Applied coding knowledge
Practice Test Details
- Practice test includes three unique versions of the practice test to evaluate students’ knowledge of CBCS principles.
- Students can access each practice test version twice.
- Online practice assessments can be accessed from any Internet connection, offering candidates the flexibility to test anytime.
- Practice tests are aligned to the NHA test plan and work in conjunction with the CBCS study guide.
- Assessments contain explanations for both correct and incorrect answers.
- Online assessments have a 500 minute time limit.